DNA Groups

Discover. Nurture. Act.

DNA groups are one aspect of how we seek to grow as followers of Jesus at the Brook. Each group consists of 3 men or 3 women, who meet throughout the summer to help each other in our walk with God.

DNA meeting steps:

PRAY. One member opens up the DNA meeting in prayer, asking for God’s leading and power to guide the group. Next, members follow the DNA acronym:

DISCOVER: This step is about making discoveries in God’s Word. Close attention is paid to understanding and unpacking the passage.

NURTURE: The nurture step seeks to relate the passage to our lives. It focuses on how Scripture speaks to our various situations.

ACT: The act step is about action. Members share with one another how they plan to take steps to obey God’s Word in their daily lives.

PRAY: Close the meeting by dedicating time to pray for another.

This summer, we will be walking through Romans 8, focusing on how it speaks to our identity as followers of Christ.

WEEK 1: Romans 8:1-4
WEEK 2: Romans 8:5-11
WEEK 3: Romans 8:12-25
WEEK 4: Romans 8:26-39

DNA Guide 2024

Week 1

Passage: Romans 8:1-4

– What observations can you make about this passage? Notice the who, what, where, and when, as well as things emphasized and keywords.
– What does this passage highlight about our identity as believers in Jesus? (Notice any statements that speak of who we are, especially the words “in Christ.”)
– What has God done for us? How does that impact us?

– What situation am I facing in life right now?
– Is there a false identity I am believing about myself right now? (Where did I get this identity?)
– How might my true identity from this passage help me face this situation?
– How does the Gospel offer me good news in my situation?

– Based on God’s Word, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our discussion today, how do I feel God wants me to respond?

– What steps can I take in order to more fully live into my true identity from this passage?
– Take turns sharing your plans/ progress with memorizing Romans 8:31-39 this summer.

Week 2

Passage: Romans 8:5-11


– What observations can you make about this passage? Notice the who, what, where, and when, as well as things emphasized and keywords.

– Notice the emphasis on the Spirit in these verses. What does the Spirit do in this passage?

– Based on this passage, who are we as believers?

– Next, please finish this sentence, “As I follower of Christ, I am _______.

– What do we learn about God from this passage?


– What situation am I facing in life right now?

– Is there a false identity I am believing about myself right now? (Where did I get this identity?)
– How might my true identity from this passage help me face this situation?

– How does having the Spirit make a difference in my situation?


– Based on God’s Word, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our discussion today, how do I feel God wants me to respond?

– What steps can I take in order to more fully live into my true identity from this passage?

– Take turns sharing your plans/ progress with memorizing Romans 8:31-39 this summer.

Week 3

Passage: Romans 8:12-25


– What observations can you make about this passage? Notice the who, what, where, and when, as well as things emphasized and keywords.

– What contrasts do you notice in this passage? 

– Based on this passage, who are we as believers? (Notice any statements that emphasize an aspect of our identity

– What is not our identity according to this passage? (Notice any statements that speak of what we are not

– What do we learn about God from this passage? What do we learn about creation? 


– What situation am I facing in life right now?

– Is there a false identity I am believing about myself right now? (Where did I get this identity?)
– How might my true identity from this passage help me face this situation? 

– How does the Gospel offer me good news in my situation? 


– Based on God’s Word, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our discussion today, how do I feel God wants me to respond? 

– What steps can I take in order to more fully live into my true identity from this passage? 

– Take turns sharing your plans/ progress with memorizing Romans 8:31-39 this summer.

Week 4

Passage: Romans 8:26-39


– What observations can you make about this passage? Notice the who, what, where, and when, as well as things emphasized and keywords.

– Based on this passage, what is true of our identity as believers? (Notice any statements that speak of who we are)

– Next, please complete this sentence, “We are the ones whom God _________.” 

– What do we learn about God from this passage– related to prayer, his working in the details, and his love? 


– What situation am I facing in life right now?

– Is there a false identity I am believing about myself right now? (Where did I get this identity?)
– How might my true identity from this passage help me face this situation? 

– How does the Gospel offer me good news in my situation?


– Based on God’s Word, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our discussion today, how do I feel God wants me to respond? 

– What steps can I take in order to more fully live into my true identity from this passage? 

– Take turns sharing your plans/ progress with memorizing Romans 8:31-39 this summer.